Tuesday 3 June 2008

Lily Allen rips off her bikini on Briatore's yacht

London (ANI): English singer Lily Allen was booted off Formula 1 boss Flavio Briatore's yacht because of her boozy behaviour, it has emerged. Allen was reported to have ripped off her bikini top and thrown herself off the side of the boat in a moment of drunken excitement, reports The Sun. The crew had to fish her out of the water as she was looking as if she might be drowning. Once she was back on board, a very red-faced Briatore covered her up with her dress as he was embarrassed by her inappropriate antics, and told her that it might be best if she retired for the night. Even though the F1 boss is known to spend a large amount of his time with half-cut and semi naked supermodels, Allen must have overstepped her boundary to be sent off.